- When the car was hit the motor shut down and when I know that I was unhurt I immediately got out to check on the other driver - forgetting that the Electrolytzers were continuing to churn out HHO. It was not until I had spoken with several people, called 911, and wandered around a bit shook up by the experience that I realizied what I had left undone and went to correct the potential problem - perhaps 7 to 10 minutes from impact. Here's the thing - nothing blew up. So I can now safely say that when an Electrolyzer runs for say 7 minutes the possibility of explosion appears to be nil...
- Later in the day I went to the lot where the car or what is left of it has been stored - and removed our personal items including the MAP Enhanser and the Electrolyzers and all pertinent parts and found that the mason jars were unscathed. Turns out that these things are really strong - a very good thing to know, right?
As for my transportation needs - well my wife and I have decided that what we want is another Honda Civic - but this time we want a Hybrid. (We'll just see if we can get it. I do figure that it's wortha try:-) With w4g we've become used to getting really good mileage, so how could we settle for anything less? I expect that once I feel really secure with my level of expertise I'll install a system in the new car (assuming of course that the computer issues have been solved by then) and we'll see if I can take what is already reported as great mileage in that car and make it even better...

The photo at the bottom here is a photo taken again with my cell phone of what happened to the cab after it hit me: he spun once in the street. My bumper is laying out there and the guy in shorts is standing next to a car the the cab missed in its trajectory before it slammed into the grey car you see pinned between the cab and the telephone pole. Just beyond that is a school. Children were everywhere both on the street and behind the fence. No one was hurt! Miracles never cease... Never.
Buckle up.
I'll see ya soon.
Sorry for the loss of your testbed but the important thing is that you weren't seriously injured, Jon. You'll probably be "feeling it" for the next few days though. We have a tendancy to subconciously tense up on impacts of that nature and the sore muscles turn up afterward.
Now, an HHO question: I've found that HHO production drops way off when these cells are connected in series. My 2 cells that independently produce 145 mlPM each at 12v (I measured their output) drop to 90 mlPM TOTAL when hooked in series at 6v!!! And trying to run them in parallel at 12v gets them way too hot. For now, I have my 2 cells operating independently on 12v each and pushing 230 mlPM HHO into a bubbler/accumulator.
How is anyone getting enough HHO to make a difference with 6 cells in series with that kind of efficiency loss??? Even the "new" 6 pack design of 2X3 in series/parallel (2 banks of 3 cells on 6v parallel legs with 3v per cell crossing in series) only produces about 35% total of what each cell is capable of individually. Has anyone else physically measured the HHO output of their individual cells and compared it to the output of multiple cell arrays? ~FH
Interestingly I've been told that by several other people as well - that I might be hurting after a day or so... however I seem to have escaped that as well - perhaps it was because I really didn't see the guy coming at me at all - so I had no time to tense up. I dunno - he was really moving...
Anyway, you're ahead of me with your measurements and all and I really don't have an answer. Perhaps one of the other people who stop by here will chime in on this with in with info requested..?
Other than that - this might be a very good question to post in the w4g forum.
If I do run across what you're looking for I'll come back and relay all... J
Glad you're OK, sayin' a prayer for. -dk
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