Thursday, February 7, 2008

Day 8

Yes, yes I know - a few days have passed without a post, but I've been reading this material and as I mentioned before there's a lot of it (all good). I just sent a copy of it to my dad who has a real knack for getting to the core of stuff like this and he and I will be able to compare notes etc.

You may be asking yourself what do the images of Tesla have to do with all of this really, and the answer is absolutely nothing, but let's face it the images are cool and whether you believe all of the myth, combined liberally with reality, surrounding this guy or not, he was a great inventor who was given a very hard time by the the rich and powerful of his day including Edison. To be fair I'll find a nice image of Edison for the next posting.

Anyway to continue, I've also put the list of components together and will soon be making purchases. One of the very first things I intend to do is to identify places local to me where I can buy this stuff. It shouldn't be all that hard since I do live in NYC, and would like to support as many local stores and industries as possible. I certainly encourage everyone do do the same in their own communities. It just makes good sense, doesn't it?

One other thing is that I had a couple of direct questions about the material, so I asked for assistance through their support email link and received an answer within a few hours each time. I believe that customer service is one of the most important things that any business can offer. So in that area, at least, I'd give water4gas a 10 out of 10.

I continue to be interested and so far nothing being expressed in the Water4Gas books is anything but positive and informative.

More later.

As usual you can
Click Here
to go the Water4Gas site

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