I/We have gotten used to being conditioned by the media. There are expectations built into everything. Think I've got it wrong? Okay so how would you feel if you drove by a gas station in your neighborhood tomorrow morning that was selling gas for $3.25 per gallon. Get real - cars would be lined up around the block, and you could ask each and every driver what they were doing. And, each and every one would tell you that they were buying cheap gas. But we've all now been conditioned by big oil and the interconnected corporate media to have the perception that $3.25 is cheap!. Come on - gas for $3.25 is expensive and we all, at some level, know that.
My point is that I'm doing really well and - still I want more. I've been set up by my own beliefs. The good thing is that at least in this case they are my own beliefs, born out of my personal experiences, rather than those foisted off onto me by advertisers.
When I first started investigating the w4g technology I had my "I'm about to get stung" defenses up. I figured that I was about to get taken for a hundred bucks, and I also figured that it would be worth it if I learned something. To tell the truth though I had an innate feeling that just perhaps it was true - that the most plentiful substance on our planet could be the answer that we're all looking for. Hey just like the rest of you I did my homework and discovered the tale of Stanly Meyers and I've seen those videos - and I convinced myself that at least something was up. Well, as it turns out I didn't get stung at all, and I certainly did learn something. - I learned that I can get 27 MPG IN THE CITY consistently! And that water is indeed the answer. Do I think that I can do better? Of course I do. Can I be satisfied until I move on to get better results?
Oh alright...
By the way did I mention I get 27 MPG in the city?
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