As a transplant from the western part of the US into the environment of the big city life of New York I've brought a long some habits that do not break easily. The first and foremost of these habits is the use of my car: I will go to a grocery store that I like better because it has a parking lot and wide aisles simply because I have the mobility to do so. I love to drive. (there I said it. Hello - My name is Jon and I love to drive.) Anyway it is the nature of that that type of driving that I've been reporting on for very nearly every post on this blog, but yesterday was different... My wife and I bought inflatable kayaks for one another for our last anniversary and we've been using them locally - locating the "launch sites" around the city that looked on the surface to be interesting. As it turns out the phrase on the surface it the operative term here since pretty much everything under the surface is polluted and disgusting. We made the decision that we no longer wanted to immerse our new toys into disgusting water. You see where I'm going here? We loaded everything including our 16 year old son Josh into the car and headed out to Shelter Island (a place that we visit when we can. Over the past few years we gone out there for sailing and kayaking many times, and we knew in advance that the experience would be idyllic and we were not disappointed. We rented a Kayak for Josh and off we went. It was a perfect day.
I know, I know it sounds really nice, but it gets better! As you know I got darn good mileage the last time out, so naturally I wouldn't miss this opportunity to see what I'd get on the highway.
39.29 MPG
Uh thank you - I don't know what to say - this award means so much to me. I want to thank my producer and director - stand up and take a bow guys... This is for all of the people on the crew and my co-stars Georgina and Josh, and and, and, all of the little people who sacrificed so much so that the rest of us could go on to glory. Yes I know the music's playing, and they want me to go, but I haven't said everything that I...
Congratulations! At this point I can only imagine what that feeling is like, but it's nice to read of someone's success using this technique. I hope to report my own improved mileage someday soon.
It will happen. Just stay with it. You car was originally designed to keep you from doing what you want it to do. You are in the process of taking back the power.
Rock On.
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