As you can see I've laid these two towers side by side to compare the differences. Naturally, the one on the right is the one that I built and wrapped, and this photo was taken before I installed it in the car. So it's obvious that it is perfectly clean and has no residue on it. The other - is the one that's been in my car for a bit longer than a month and yes it's nasty looking, but more than that - now that I know what I'm actually looking at: there are very few winds of the electrode wire and worse than that I notice that the negative wire is beginning to rust! This means that this wire is not 316L stainless steel. This means that what I've had
sort of working in my car was not made properly and was not made using quality materials. I will not divulge the name of the person who sold it to me, rather I will simply encourage everyone to use the best materials and to treat others in the water4gas community as though they were members of your family. This is not only about the integrity of the product - it is also about allowing people to have the best possible experience as they begin to explore this technology. Let's not discourage others through a greater desire to make money than to have people know that this really works.
When my MAP Sensor Enhancer was not working I could not know until Mr Minton informed me of what had happened. The reality that my electrolyzer in all probability has never worked properly is something I had to discover for myself. If I were not moving along in my quest for understanding I might not have made the discovery. I might have gotten discouraged and even given up never knowing that I was so close.
Anyway the new electolyzer is in the car. All of the areas where it might leak (sucking air through the lid or around the electrical posts) have been carefully sealed. I switched out the universal vacuum fitting for a fitting that exactly fits my hoses. The one thing that I've not yet figured out is how much baking soda to use in the electrolyzer with so many more windings. I will find out and report back here.
One other thing: As soon as I put the new Electrolyzer I went ahead and refilled the tank so that I'd be getting a more accurate measurement for the next posting. It amount that I put in was insignificant and I did not recored that mileage.
Also I just put up the new website www.ignitingwater.com where I am selling support products for water4gas.
new electrolyzer looks good, the old one looks like the one in my car. i have installed a new map sensor enhancer and all my connection seem good, yet no mileage gain!! dont know if the map sensoe enhancer is even working, i turn it to the lean and my rpms go up some, i know i have installed it correctly and my electrolyzer seems to be producing hho, dont know.
new electrolyzer looks good, the old one looks like the one in my car. i have installed a new map sensor enhancer and all my connection seem good, yet no mileage gain!! dont know if the map sensoe enhancer is even working, i turn it to the lean and my rpms go up some, i know i have installed it correctly and my electrolyzer seems to be producing hho, dont know.
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