So what's missing? I have the MAP Enhancer doing it's job; the Oxygen Spacer is in place, a new Electrolyzer has been added. I've been told that adding more baking soda is the next step to take (short of putting in a second Electrolyzer) in getting more HHO from my single unit. Other people warn me that if I use too much baking soda I might melt the tower. - To address that issue at least: one thing is easy to look up online, and that is the melting temperature of Plexiglas. That process happens at 270 degrees Fahrenheit. If I begin to generate that kind of temperature there's one thing that will happen long before the Plexiglas melts: all the water would boil away. Clearly, the melting of the plastic is not an issue. I just added another half teaspoon. We'll see what happens. Also it has been suggested to me that the check valve in my line going to the manifold could be removed to allow a greater flow of HHO. I do have a four foot vacuum line there so I'm pretty clear that there's no danger of getting a spark kicked back into the Electrolyzer, but I'm gong to ask around some more to make very sure about that before I do it. It does make a certain kind of sense after all, but my wife would be pretty angry with me if I blew up the car.-)
There are all kinds of people now letting their creative juices flow - making all kinds of new units. Some of them are pretty interesting - composed of rods and plates, some are larger, and are constructed of new materials. Some are touted as more powerful (and maybe they are), but the one thing that I know for sure is that the original technology, as described in great detail complete with do-it-yourself plans - works. This is where we all must begin to gain a greater understanding of what it is we're dealing with. Harnessing it and playing with it and experimenting with it are exactly the kinds of things that need to be done to lead us all to the next step. Not so many months ago if someone had asked me if water could be ignited I would have laughed at the ridiculous nature of the question. Now that concept is the source of the name of my website. It is the nature of the device that I have added to my car that is without question improving my mileage. The idea that water can, and does, burn is now an obvious truth.
This ongoing exploration and expansion of our technology (something that should have been done over the last 50 years by large automakers), is taking us into a world that has been described by one of my new friends in the water4gas community, Stephanie, as a Silent Storm. We are that storm. We are, as a community of seekers, individually extracting ourselves, our friends, our neighbors, and ultimately our customers from the clutches of Big Oil. Not all at once but a step at a time. Many of us are looking to have this happen within an underlying framework of integrity. Treating one another as fellow travelers rather than competitors we will change more than just the way we fuel our automobiles. We could change the world. It is possible. Certainly as possible as burning water. We are not large corporate entities who have no responsibility to any but their stockholders. We are just people who care about what happens to others. If we each adhere to the truth, as we know it, and keep telling it as long as we know it, and continue to explore how what we're doing can transform the planet into what it was meant to be all all along - we will certainly find that we are doing exactly the right thing at exactly the right moment in time.
To misquote Lao Tzu for my own purposes, "Every journey begins with a single step." Well my friends I believe that we have taken it.
I recently built a HHO generator. It included 2 chambers, each with its own plexiglass tower. In reguards to adding 1 teaspoon of baking soda, I added 1 teaspoon to each chamber and it indeed melted the towers. It wasnt the water that got too hot but rather the wires themselves. As the plexi melted the two wires ultimately made contact and blew the inline fuse. Never the less I had to rebuild the towers and added only 1/2 teaspoon in each chamber and have had no problems since.
Hey thanks for jumping in. May I ask how is your mileage? I continue to work on getting what I'm after here. The next few days are the "big test" in this phase anyway.
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