The second receipt however (on the left) shows something very different at 27.41 MPG - it shows my best mileage ever!

So the question is what's different? Well it's something pretty simple and still makes my head hurt to think about it. It's the setting on the MAP Enhancer! - and this is the counterintuitive part: following directions I set the enhancer by leaning it out until the car stalled out and then came back a quarter turn, but that quarter turn in my mind was a quarter of the way back from where the car stopped chugging - but that was wrong. It wasn't enough. After I saw the crummy results I turned the rheostat back even further. To put this in perspective: the car was chugging at 30 - I turned it back to 20 which resulted in zero gain as shown on the Exxon receipt. After that fill up I turned it back to 10 and gained significantly! In other words trying to run too lean resulted in worse mileage.
Now let me be clear that this is not information that did not have in the first place through my interaction with Vernon Minton at HHO Development. He originally sent me instructions that included the following information:

One recent set of road tests (6-16-07) averaged 52.4% better mileage. But, tests from a week earlier on the same car averaged
only 24.5%. Actually, 22% if you discount idling. WHY such great difference?
The secret of the BIG DIFFERENCE between the two test groups: The later and more successful one got MORE THAN DOUBLE the average gain because the MPG was not dialed to near choke point. It was about 1/4 tum closer to factory setting!
Don't overwork the engine by leaning it too much - play around until you find the PERFECT BALANCE point.
Now did I listen to that? - Well I tried but I couldn't bring myself to believe that less is more - however as it turns out - that is exactly the case. The image of the Enhancer above is the one currently in my car. The setting that you are looking at is my current setting which does not mean that it is the setting that your car should be at, but learn by my experience - again the car bucked at the 30 setting - would run at 20 no problem (but without gain in MPG) and really gets the job done at 10... There ya' go.
Just FYI - I've just added a 1/4 teaspoon of Baking Soda to the Electrolyzers. Onward and upward:-)
See ya' next time.
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