Saturday, June 28, 2008

Mileage report with the new Enhancer

I'm in that spot again. I want to talk about the incredibly great mileage that I'm getting now that I have placed all of my ducks in a row, however I can't do it! Sure, 23.6 MPG is better than I was doing, but let's face it - I've seen 26. I want 26 again. I want 40!

As most of you must know by now I am fairly persistent, and I'll not let this go until I get what I want. There are certainly enough of you now encouraging me, and telling me that it is possible. Telling me about your Toyota getting mileage that I only dream about. - Thanks a lot. No really, all kidding aside - thank you all.

My thought as I sit here writing this is that I'll go back to the Electrolyzer and put in a new tower with my own windings on it - In the last day I've started producing and selling 1/4" thick towers with notches at the 1/4" so there are nearly twice as many windings apparently producing twice as much HHO so that my car can run leaner. (Thanks to Rod and Steph for cluing me into new info from Ozzie) I expect that I'll have time to do that on Monday.

I feel that I should mention this: The Electrolyzer that I have on my car is not one of the one's that I've made. Rather it is the original one that I bought as a completed item (it has glue on the coils which is obviously something I personally identified as a problem. "Why then," you ask with a look of stunned amazement at my stupidity, "didn't you put one of your own creations on?" - It's a damned good question. I suppose the only real answer is - that I got caught up in the fact that it has worked in the past, and I've been busy: the sales of the towers have taken up a surprising amount of time. More to the point - it didn't occur to me that it might not be delivering the amount of HHO that my car actually needs. (Although that leaves me wondering why it did what it did in the first place.) Nevertheless, I'm now about to remedy that situation.

The way things stand at the moment is that I am in the midst of an experiment, and as it happens I am one of the factors in that experiment. I may well have done something wrong (though I have no idea what) - it might not be my influence at all. I will find out and hopefully this excursion of mine will assist the rest of you.

So one more time I've taken another step. At least it's not a step backward as some others have been, and it's even a slight move forward. Bottom line: I want a giant step forward. Don't we all?

Also I want to add a quick note about the towers: one of my clients let me know that when he was wrapping the electrode wires on one of the 1/8" thick versions he cracked it in half. This is the first and only incidence of this that I know about. I have replaced it with a 1/4" version at my expense. All I can say is that I have personally wrapped about 20 of these things without problem and I expect that it may be as simple as my having a lighter touch. In the last day I've also replaced one of the 1/4" towers - it broke in the mail. What the Post office needed to do to make that happen is almost beyond belief. I guess that I'm just saying that things happen and I will always stand behind my products. If you think that you might be very strong or just want to wrap wires really tight - go for the 1/4" towers.

See you next time I fill up - or before if I think of something really profound to say. - Yeah right.

One last thing waterxfuel is soon to become ingitingwater. Watch for it.

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