Monday, June 23, 2008

Waiting waiting waiting

Today I waited all day long to receive my replacement MAP Enhancer. The Post Office taunts me with their insane tracking method which lets me know that it has arrived in the local station. Yet, I still do not have it! (See me thrumming my fingers on the desk.) Tomorrow is the day. (One can only hope.) Once I have it installed I'll put gas in my half full tank and report the results of having the Electrolyzer and the Oxygen Sensor Spacer in place. My hopes are not high. I did not bother to reset the computer with the disconnect the battery trick. Figured to do that when I put in the new Enhancer. On the other hand, one of my clients gave me new trick (you know who you are but I've forgotten - please write in as a comment to identify yourself - and I'll inform the readers of your ability to provide awesome information). Instead of pulling the the negative cable and leaving it off for 20 to 30 minutes - pull both cables off and touch them together. Reportedly it will do the same reset without the wait. Now, that's great... Thanks to that guy from all of us...

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